Our European warehouse is in stock, and ready to ship. Transit time averages 1-2 weeks depending on your locaton.
Return policy
If you need to make a return, please follow our return policy instructions below.
- Orders cancelled before goods are shipped will receive a full credit for the amount paid. However, orders are processed the same day, and typically ship the following business day. If an order is placed early, it might ship the same day.
- Once the merchandise has shipped, returns are only eligible within 7 days of the receipt of the product by Customer (Buyer), and must obtain a Return Authorization Number (RAN) from Lifestyle Systems Ltd (Seller). DO NOT RETURN MERCHANDISE TO THE SELLER WITHOUT A RETURN AUTHORIZATION NUMBER.
- Returns made without obtaining prior authorization accompanied with a return authorization number shall be returned to sender at Buyer’s expense.
- The merchandise must be unused, and in the original shipping boxes and packaging to be eligible for a refund.
- All merchandise returned to Seller is subject to a 20% re-stocking fee.
- The Customer is responsible for return shipping fees, and any shipping fees incurred by Seller for the initial shipment to the Customer; collect shipments will not be accepted. Free shipping only applies when the Customer keeps the merchandise.
- The Refund will be processed after the merchandise arrives at Seller in its original packaging and brand new factory condition.
- Any shipments returned to sender marked “Undeliverable”, or otherwise similar nature, are subject to a 20% restocking fee minus any shipping charges incurred by Seller for the initial shipment to the customer.
- Except as provided for in Seller’s limited warranty to Buyer, Seller, in its sole discretion, may accept or reject any request by Buyer to return product for cash or credit.